I ran across an excellent paper from NIST (the US's National Institute of Standards and Technology), A Survey of Access Control Methods. The document is a component of the publication, "A Report on the Privilege (Access) Management Workshop". I highly recommend reading it, since the security landscape is evolving ... as the technology, online information, regulations/legislation, and "need to share" requirements of a modern, agile enterprise keep expanding.
Access control is discussed from the hard-core (and painfully detailed) ACL approach (access control lists) all the way through policy and risk-adaptive control (PBAC and RAdAC). Here is a useful image from the document, showing the evolution:
Reading the paper triggered some visceral reactions, on my part ... For example, I strongly feel that role-based access control is no longer adequate for the real-world. Yet, it is where most of us live today.
The problem is the need for agility. The world is no longer only about restricting access to specific, known-in-advance entities using a one-size-fits-all-conditions analysis ("need to protect" with predefined roles) - but also about granting the maximum access to information that is allowed ("need to share" considering the conditions under which sharing occurs).
Here are some examples ... Firefighters need the maximum data about the location and conditions of a fire that they can legally obtain (see my previous post, Using the Semantic Web to Fight Fires). Law enforcement personnel, at the federal, state or local levels, need all the data about suspicious activities that can be legally shared. An information worker needs to see and analyze all relevant data that is permitted (legally and within the corporate guidelines). *The word, "legally", comes up a lot here ... more on that in another post.
So, how do you accomplish this with simple roles? You can certainly build new roles that take various situational attributes into account. But how far can you go with this approach? At some point, the number of roles (variations on a theme) spirals out of control. You really need attribute based control. As the NIST paper points out, with attributes, you don't need to know all the requesters in advance. You just need to know about the conditions of the access.
But, simply adding attribute data (data about the information being accessed, the entity accessing it, the environment where the access occurs or is needed, ...) can get quite complex. The real problem is figuring out how to harmonize and evaluate the attribute information if it is accessed from several data stores or infrastructures. Then, closely associated with that problem is the need to be consistent across an enterprise - to not allow access (under the same conditions) through one infrastructure that is disallowed by another.
Policy-based access control, the next concept in the evolution, starts to address some of these concerns. NIST describes PBAC as "a harmonization and standardization of the ABAC model at an enterprise level in support of specific governance objectives." It concerns the creation and administration of organization-wide rule sets (policies) for access control, using attribute criteria that are also semantically consistent across the enterprise.
Wow, reading that last sentence made my head hurt. :-) Let me decompose the concepts. For policy-based access control to really work, we need (IMHO, in order of implementation):
- A well defined (dare I say "standard") policy/rule structure
- A well understood vocabulary for the actors, resources and attributes
- Ability to use #1 and #2 to define access control rules
- Ability to analyze the rules for consistency and completeness
- An infrastructure to support the evaluation and enforcement of the rules (at least by transforming between local data stores and infrastructures, and the well understood and defined vocabulary and policies/rules)
Some day, we will have best practices and standards for #1 and #2. Even better, we could have government-blessed renderings of the standard legislation (SOX, HIPAA, ...) using #1 and #2.
Can NIST also help with these activities? I hope that it can. In the meantime, there are some technologies like Semantic Web that can help.
As you can imagine, I have lots more things to discuss about the specifics of PBAC and RAdAC, in my next posts.
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